Don’s Tips: Kale



The trendiest edible plant at the moment is a plant called kale.

You probably have heard rave reviews of its health-giving properties.

Is it true? Well, it’s pretty much a load of nonsense. Kale is just a variety of cabbage, grown mostly for its edible or ornamental leaves. Wild cabbage has been domesticated into a number of man-made varieties including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, floccoli, kale & (of course) ordinary cabbages.

All of these foods have more or less the same amount of vitamins, fibre, sugar and trace elements. Make no mistake – all of the cabbage family of plants are useful health-giving foods. But to single out Kale as a miracle food is simply misleading.

Cabbage family can lower cholesterol levels and your absorption of fat from food as well.

The bottom line is that all vegies are good for you and mixing up different colours and types of vegies is the best way to go.

…. But kale is not magic!
